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Cake Con International 2016 Collaboration

Taking its inspiration from the enthusiasm that surrounds comics, video games and TV shows at the San Diego Comic-Con, this collaboration features some familiar characters. Showcasing a variety of techniques and style, it’s a great collaboration. We spoke to organiser, Mayra Estrada, from Cake Creations by ME, to find out more…

Tell us about your collaboration

Cake Con International is a collaboration featuring 26 amazing artists who have created sugar art inspired by TV series, comics and video game characters.

Art2Eat Cakes

What inspired you to do this theme?

My collaboration was inspired by San Diego Comic-Con International, which is one of the world’s largest attended multi-genre entertainment and comic conventions. It’s held annually in San Diego, CA with over 100,000 attendees.

Silvia Mancini Cake Art

Tell us about a few of the pieces that have been made

Every piece submitted was amazing. The inspirations used in creating our sugar art varied from characters known in video games, TV series and comics.

Jennifer Holst

How did you decide on this group of people?

Cassandra Rice, from Elaborate Cake, co-hosted this amazing collaboration with me. When selecting people, we wanted this collaboration to have diversity with cake decorating and sculpting. We found some wonderful new pages full of amazing talent. A lot of invitations were extended but several were unable to participate due to their schedules. We were honoured by those who did accept and have met some wonderful people.

Delicut Cakes

Did anything go wrong?

I have to be thankful that everything ran smoothly, with the exception of losing some amazing collaborators due to unexpected commitments.

If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?

I would actually love to do this again and would not change a thing. I loved working with everyone and can’t thank them enough for all of their hard work in making this an amazing collaboration.

Le Delizie di Kicca

For more information and to see all of the cakes in the collaboration, visit: