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This article was taken from our January 2019 Issue Buy this issue now

January 2019 Product Review: Cerart Blue Diamond Tools

This month, we had the chance to try the Blue Diamonds tool set by Cerart!

The Blue Diamonds set contains 11 high-quality double ended tools which are all neatly organised in a professional zip up case. We were instantly impressed with the appearance and quick access to these tools – we were able to open the case and swiftly select what we needed.

We decided to test out the tools on a small modelling chocolate/fondant mix teddy bear cake topper. We began by forming the bear’s body into a rounded cone shape. To texture for the appearance of fur, we used the 500 tool, starting from the bottom of the body working up. We really liked how comfortable the tools were to use, the seamless build also helps form smooth lines and textures without dragging the paste.

After texturing the body, we made the arms and legs, texturing with the 500 tool as before. We rolled a sphere for the head and added the mouth, a black fondant nose and began forming the eye sockets using the 502 tool. When adding the ears, we blended the top seam into the top of the bear’s head using one of the shaper tools, the K206. The shaper tools really help blend seams together forming a much cleaner and professional finish.

After adding the eyes, eyebrows and a pink bow, we then added some pads to the ears and feet. To create a stitch mark, we used the K2210 tool, a firmer and sharper version of the K206. To finish, we lightly dusted the bear with edible brown powder colour to highlight any shadows.

Overall, we really enjoyed working with the Blue Diamonds tool set. They’re a fantastic high-quality professional standard set of tools which would be great for all sugarcrafters. They’re not only brilliant for miniature modelling work but would also be perfect for working with modelling chocolate and fondant for cakes, especially carved cakes which may require texture and/or a seamless finish. Highly recommended!