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WOOCS 2.2.5

November 2016 Issue


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November 2016 Content:


Baking Wish List

Afternoon Tea at Ruben’s Hotel

Out & About - Cake events and things we are looking forward to!

Exclusive Reader Offer - Get a full set of Magic Colours + a Free Caddy

Elevenses – Ask the Expert, Competitions, Book and Product Reviews + More!

SUBSCRIBE to Cake Masters Magazine!

Social Snippets - Amazing cakes we have spotted online!

Ruth Rickey Column


How’d They Do That?! Christmas Stocking, Janette MacPherson Cake Craft for Renshaw

Cake Collaboration Sugar Myths and Fantasies 2.0

Cake Collaboration Sugar Skull Bakers

Sponsor Spotlight Satin Ice

Sponsor Spotlight Wilton


Silent Night, Pamela McCaffrey Cakes

Sparkling Poinsettia, Cake Décor

Santa Cookies, Laurie Thompson & Jeanette Durham

Winter Woodland, Tastefully Yours Cake Art

Popping Candy, DinkyDoodle Designs

Tartan de Noël, Very Unique Cakes Company

Gingerbread Mischief, Silvia Mancini Cake Art


Christmas Countdown Competition - £2,800 of prizes!

Royal Icing Competition in association with Renshaw - Winner Announced!

Christmas Crossword - Win £100 of products from Cake DecÓr


Spiced Brown Sugar and Clementine Stars

Hidden Ornament Cupcakes

Christmas Tree Surprise Cake

Jolly Holly Wreaths